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Best Laser Engravers in 2023 – From Cheap to Premium

A laser engraver is a handy tool to have around whether you’re a hobbyist, small business owner, or DIY-er. They allow you to create custom engraved products with a wide variety of materials. But with so many different models on the market, it can be hard to know which one is right for you. Since we have tested a ton of different laser engravers, we have prepared a list of our favourite machines which will help you to choose the best laser engraver in 2022 for the 11.11 and Black Friday sales!

The machines are chosen by our objective and personal preferences from experience with working with all these machines and the decisions are not influenced by sponsorships or paid promotion.

Here are some things to consider when choosing a best laser engraver:

What types of materials do you want to engrave or cut?

Laser engraving wood requires less power than engraving stainless steel, ceramics, stone or even glass. And if you want to use your laser cutter for cutting acrylic, then more power is very welcome.

If you want to engrave mostly wood, then a blue diode laser is a good choice. If you want to do a lot of cutting of wood and plastics, then a CO2 laser might be a good choice. And if you want to engrave mostly metals, then you might want to consider a fiber laser.

How big do your projects need to be?

If you require very large working area, some machines offer expansion kits to make your machine as big as you require.

What is your budget?

More money will definitely get you more powerful machine. More power means faster laser engravers and laser cutters and more features and accessories.

How easy is it to use the machine?

Some laser cutters require a bit more fiddling for a setup. If you have business with a tight time schedule, setting up the machine will cost you money.

How fast do you need to laser engrave or laser cut?

As written above, time is money and if you plan to do a lot of laser cutting, you should consider a more powerful laser cutter which will save you a lot of working time.

Best Budget Laser Engraver (under $300)

If you’re looking for a quality laser engraver but you’re on a tight budget, we recommend the ZBAITU A40-C80 laser engraver (A40-C80 product page). and it quickly become our favourite laser engraver with 10W of optical laser power. This machine is perfect for both beginners and experienced users, and it’s one of the most affordable options on the market and it has the capabilities of some much more expensive machines, e.g. with air assist.

It can handle a wide range of materials, including wood, acrylic, stainless steel, stone and even glass. 


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